Friday 22 April, 2022, by admin
Our EU case T 252 20 has its origins in a request in July 2016 for legal advice on whether any politician or bureaucrat really has the power to summarily “remove” EU citizenship and Rights - and this led, via the creation of the site, to our case. The lawyers in our case are now asking for some more money, and I would be extremely grateful if you could help with that.
However, there is also now a significant new development which means we could well begin a further legal case - and this relates to interference in the UK EU Referendum by Putin in 2016. I became suspicious when Sir Alex Younger, Head of MI6, warned us all in a press conference in December 2016 in London that Putin was subverting European democracies, and so I started to try to understand whether Putin had in reality subverted the UK EU Referendum. I have now been told by a former Tory MP that MI6 concluded that Russian interference and money had rendered the Referendum leave vote "not free and fair", and that MI6 went so far as to tell Mrs May to rerun the Referendum. It is possible that this information could lead to a private prosecution of Mrs May and others, we are currently taking legal advice on this, and we will update everyone again shortly. In the interim, it would be extremely helpful if any of you who are so motivated could donate to our Crowdfunder to put our campaign into a position to fight what seems now to be very significant wrongdoing which has led us to such a dark place in UK politics, with the prime minister now routinely lying to Parliament.
If we can raise sufficient funding, the intention is to appoint an individual to work on our EU Citizenship campaign full time, since we seem now to have uncovered extremely significant inter-related potential crimes which can probably only be dealt with in both the UK and the EU Courts.
More to follow shortly.